If you wish to place your house projects, you could send it to houseprojectonline@yahoo.com just using one simple click.
Your copyrights will be guaranteed. There will be data about the author on the website. You will be automatically informed if your house project gets purchased.
The author will get 50 % (of the gross price) from every sale! This is a unique opportunity and you must not miss it!
Please send the content zipped, in PDF, with a 1:50 ratio for a project; and a minimum of six pictures in JPG (1280 x 900 pixels) for facades and renders.You should also send a short description of the project and the data about the author. We would prefer if you could send the projects in DWG or PLA formats (although it is not obligatory).
After sending projects will be activated on the site in 24 hours (time needed to check the content).
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